Nik K. Pet Sitting

Pet Sitter in Greeley, CO.

Local, Affordable, Reliable.


Drop-in Pet Sitting - 12/half hour
Overnight - 50/day (dog walking included)
Additional Charges:
Large Animals - +3/visit
More than three dogs - +2/visit

Why choose my service?

Nik K. Pet Sitting is a service dedicated to your pet. I take pride in my work and I love what I do. I have half a decade of pet sitting experience, plus I'm a lifelong dog owner and animal lover.

My service is also affordable. From my own research, Nik K. Pet Sitting is on average 50% cheaper than other services in the NoCo area.

Overnight pet sitting is my specialty!

If you're wondering why you should choose my overnight service over a boarding place, here is why!

Animals can often get frazzled and socially anxious at kennels and boarding places. At home, your pet is safe, sound, and in a comfortable, familiar environment.
Plus, with Nik K Pet Sitting, your pet gets individual attention they might not otherwise get at a boarding place.

On average, Nik K. Pet Sitting is cheaper than most boarding services.

With Nik K. Pet Sitting, there are no difficult pick up/drop off times. I come, I take care of your pet to the best of my ability, and I leave no trace. You get your pet as soon as you get back!

In-home full-time pet sitting has many, many benefits for you and your pet, and I think I'm a great person to provide that service and those benefits.

All reviews are showcased with appropriate author consent.

Please note: I am often busy between the hours of 8 and 4 on weekdays. If I can't pick up your call, I will return it as soon as I have a chance.Texting is also an option, as I can respond to my text messages more frequently.